i assume you're here cuz you wanted to find info about gl1tchygreml1n + the stuff she's done.
unfortunately, the carrd was reported (assumingly by gremlin herself) and got taken down back in feb '24, but tl;dr shes a serial abuser + groomed me + my best friend (as well as many others outside the chip fandom). you can find more info about the stuff she's done here (huge tw for everything), it isn't a "smear campaign" or "rumours" or whatever the fuck she claims this stuff to be, the evidence is right there in the tumblr post
i heard shes in the transformers fandom now, so if youre from the transformers fandom and are reading this, please please PLEASE stay away from her, do not harass her, block and warn others about her behaviour. i don't want her to cause even more damageas for gremlin, you aren't getting rid of me that easily, bitch <3
im not letting you traumatise any more people (including GROOMING me + my friends, and literally harassing THE FORMER WRITER of the chiptwt roleplay and the shit mentioned in that post) than you have already. you fucked up a whole fandom, and for what?? because you have a problem with taking accountability??
and if you really think i'm "harassing you"... it's not harassment when there is literal evidence against you being an abuser and a groomer. it's not "photoshop", it's not "rumors", the evidence is literally right there, clear as crystal. many people can back me up here.